For something really decadent to impress your friend if they are over for supper or a bbq, try this old recipe that have been rattling around in our family for donkeys years!
Hazelnut Torte
Gluten free, Wheat free and Dairy free
100g Hazelnuts
4 free range eggs
125g raw cane caster sugar (fairtrade)
For filling:
50g dairy free margarine
50g icing sugar
25g 'free from' dark chocolate
For topping:
75g raw cane granulated sugar (fairtrade)
3 tbsp water
8 hazelnuts
Preheat oven to 180C, 350F, Gas Mark 4
Grease two, 7 inch sandwich tins - line the base and sides with grease proof paper. Grind the hazelnuts in a food processor or even a coffee grinder.
Whisk the egg yolks and sugar until thick and creamy. Whisk the egg whites until it forms stiff peaks and you can hold the bowl above your head (love doing this stunt with the kids!)
Fold in the ground nuts and eggs whites alternatively into the egg yolk mix. Divide the mixture between the two tins. Bake for 30 mins or until set, leave in the tin for 10 mins and then turn out onto a wire rack to cool.
Cream the marg and beat in the icing sugar. Melt the choc in a basin over a pan of hot water. Beat into the butter and icing mix. Spread the filling on one of the cooled cakes and sandwich the other ontop.
Put the sugar and water into a small pan and hea gently until the sugar has melted. Then boil rapidly until a golden caramel is reached. Using an oiled knife, spread the caramel evenly over the top of the cake. While it is soft you can mark into portions and decorate with nuts!
How hungry does that make you feel - yummy! Wondering whether we should do some cupcakes with hazelnuts?
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